Do you have a song you want recorded or need a song mixed? Come to Fullwave Studios and record using our world-class recording equipment. We offer a quiet and secluded environment to focus on recording your music and offer mixing services to get your music broadcast quality and sync ready. We can help with your productions, make custom music, sound design, podcasts, and voice-overs for your film, TV, video games, advertising, and artists. Contact us, we can help you with your art, inspiration, and music.
Do you have a music idea you want to complete or need help with arranging your music? We specializing in composing and production of multiple genres of music. We help with writing, producing, and band development. Providing songwriting, band performances, recording reviews, and consultations to enhance your career. Contact us, we can help you produce and complete your music.
Join one of our music production and music composition clinics. Learn how to do music production, compose music, music sync licensing, or recording engineering. We providing group or one-on-one lessons in Logic Pro X, music production, rock and classical guitar, bass, music composition, and sync licensing. It's never too late to learn. Follow our social media for more info and book your one-on-one lessons.

Fullwave Studios is my world-class music production studio where you can write and compose music. We specialize in composing, producing, recording, and mixing music for your song demo, record album, or TV/Film/Ad productions. We offer these services to singers, songwriters, businesses, and bands, in a cost effective, and efficient environment. Record and mix using external hardware and software for your music, voice-overs, film, TV, artists, advertisements, and video games. Fullwave Studios is up to date with the latest software and hardware equipment to give you high quality sound recordings, with the combination of analog/digital electronics, live recordings and live/sampled instruments (guitar, bass, drums, keys, synths, percussion). Vocals are recorded using high quality dynamic and condenser microphones and industry standard preamps, compressors, and EQ by Rupert Neve, API, BAE, Emprical Labs, Audioscape, Undertone, Burl, Warm Audio, and Universal Audio. Fullwave Studios is a fully acoustical treated and sound isolated/absorbing studio. Record your music or send us recorded music tracks to mix your song.
Fullwave Studios can assist with music composing and production of your music and sync projects. We have helped musicians, businesses, and bands with composing, producing, and collaboration to complete their music and work with other musicians. We can guide in helping bands and artists with composing and producing original or custom music, sound designs, singer/songwriter ideas, band performances, and assist in getting your music ready for film, TV, advertisements, or video games. If you have an idea, but do not know where to start or perhaps finish, Fullwave Studios can help by providing the recording environment to record multiple ideas and solidify your music composition and productions to meet industry standards. Send us a message on your ideas and let's work together.

Fullwave Studios will be conducting courses and clinics throughout the year on music production, music composition, recording engineering, mixing and mastering, and sync music placements. There is no better way to make music than making it for yourself. We plan to teach students how to produce, record, and mix with a hybrid method, "in the box” method, and how to use internal and external hardware. All lessons are available for students of all ages and lessons will be onsite at Fullwave Studios in Eastvale, CA or streaming online.
Our studio is open upon scheduled events or lessons
Email or call for appointments
Ready to book a session, lesson, or consultation?
Call or text us at 909.618.2064, email at,
or fill out the contact form & we’ll get you rolling. Rock on!!!